i live in america. the land of the free, the home of the brave. and right now there's this big stupid debate about gay marriage, and whether or not it should be legal, whether it's right or wrong, blah blah blah. i'm not going to discuss whether it's right or wrong. i'm going to discuss whether or not it should be legal.
here's the deal: i don't think it should be up to the government to decide what marriage is or is not. that is a blade that can cut both ways. all you need is a few crazy people in charge to start saying inter-racial marriage is illegal, or getting re-married after divorce, or marrying jews, or whatever, and then where are we? aside from protecting minors, the law should stay out of it. i think it should be civil unions for everyone. i think that if you want your union recognized by a separate moral/religious authority, you can easily find a church or some kind of officiant that will do that. of course, there will be churches that say it's wrong. so don't go to that church. not everyone is going to agree with your lifestyle, and you can't force people to say that what you're doing is alright. part of living in a free society is freedom to disagree, right? there are plenty of churches that would say that i'm the whore of babylon. i'm a single mom, i live with my boyfriend, i have tattoos, i smoke, drink, and swear...
from a religious standpoint, the Bible makes it pretty clear that we all go astray. (it also talks about fornication and adultery alot more than it talks about homosexuality, and pride even more than that.) and what is G-d's response to our unfaithful selves? grace. i wish more people would imitate that response.