today's topic is something i wish i hadn't done in my life. well, i wish i had never started smoking. or started again, after i had ellie. i am in the process of quitting right now. i am miserable, and angry. i am short-tempered, and bitchy to people i love. because i really want a cigarette. seriously, why have i been willing to let myself be controlled by nicotine for so long? and when i think of the dollars i've wasted... i have been an idiot. no longer! i give up! i will be free of you, evil tobacco! ( i mean, i love you, please don't go!)
let this be a lesson, children. smoking may seem cool, edgy, rebellious, or whatever. but you will get addicted. and it will suck. and that nicotine gum is lousy.
Yes, it does suck. Was just sitting here thinking how I can smell old cigarette smoke, and asking myself why the hell can't I quit, already??