Thursday, November 11, 2010

day 6: never ever gonna do it

being a mom, the first thing that comes to mind that i never want to have to do is bury my child. obviously, this would kill me. it's the thing that i think would make it impossible to keep breathing in and out. but because it's obvious, we'll discuss the OTHER thing i won't do.
i don't ever want to go through a divorce. i'm not saying i think divorce is evil, or that divorced people don't love Jesus. but i know it's hard to parent when you're going through something like that. you end up acting like a teenager sometimes. and i won't do it. now, i can hear you thinking, " sarah, don't you have to be married first? why are you worried about divorce, single girl?" but here's the deal: i'm a single MOM. i've had more than my fair share of relationships as a mom. and some of them have been marriage-minded men. you'd think i'd be grateful for the chance to settle down and be "normal." but my daughter is already a member of the messed up family club. when i settle down, i've gotta be sure. i've gotta pick somebody who is willing to do the hard, messy, and sometimes un-fun work of holding a family together. even when we're not feeling loving. yes, i know everyone tries to do that. but it's harder to let the standard slide even a little when i have ellie holding me accountable. fortunately, i think i'm in that relationship. he's not a perfect guy, but he loves me and my daughter. and we've done some tough work on our lives together. he's my best friend, and he'll help ellie with her homework.
now, he just needs to propose...

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